Friday, May 24, 2013

There's no I in team

The abroad  portion of our class comes to a close tomorrow. This means no more eating out everyday, drinking beer all night and most importantly, no more goofing off on our project. Today marks the beginning of crunch time. 

As a college student, crunch time equates to stress. But we must keep in mind what environment each team member needs to be productive. It's imperative that we give each other the same respect that we would give our parents, deans and professors. For some of us it has proven to be difficult. This is the perfect time to practice how we would handle these problems in an agency or firm.

We cannot do the project without each other. Each of my team members holds skills that are crucial to the success of the project. Sometimes it's hard for me to remember that we all have to work together to make this work. But whenever I forget, I always think about the word team because there's no I in team.

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