marienplatz |
Within 3 hours of arriving in Munich I knew that I wanted to stay forever. After arriving at the hostel, the first hostel I've ever stayed in, we left to take a bike tour. We had an Australian guide, Chris, who gave us quite the tour, and we ended up going out with him that night.
Bratwurst, Sauerkraut, boiled potatoes, and beer |
The tour was not what made me love Munich. It's so different from Berlin in that it is more laid back. People are not rushing everywhere, and even though the person who served me food at the bike tour beer garden was rude, that was the only bad encounter I have had with anyone here so far.
River surfing-on the ride back from the beer garden we saw people surfing in a river! |
So here is my plan for living in Munchen with my best friend Samantha, a.ka. "Pet," I am going to play the flute as a street performer and Pet is going to be a gypsy. We'll live in a tent and collect bottles in times of desperation for some food. I'll keep you updated with further plans.
Bike tour through the English Gardens
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