Friday, May 24, 2013

Worry About Tomorrow When Tomorrow Becomes Today

It's our last day abroad. Our last day. And as we pack up our lives from the past two weeks we all can't help but get sentimental about our journey together. There are so many things I'm going to miss about this incredible place. 

1-The food. I'm a carb junkie. Ask anyone and you'll know I'd take pretzels over a candy bar any day. In Germany there are literally the world's best soft pretzels, bread, schnitzle, and potatoes. America's will never compare.

2-The beer. I'm not a drinker but German beer is awesome and so cheap everywhere you go. Assuming transportation goes successful, bringing some back to the states with me.

3-The tradition. Southern Germany is beautiful and perfect in every way possible. I'm going to miss walking the streets of marienplatz and stopping by the hautbenhauff train station, even visiting new friends in the little town of Soll. The tradition and history are so much alive here-something Columbia will never have. 

4 (Because the best things end in 4)- The people. All 21 of us started off as strangers. We knew nothing about each other, barely even knew each other's names 2 days in. But now, we are closer than ever. We each serve our purpose in the group- a navigator, the chaperone, the adventurous one, and even the ass. This trip allowed us to grow and experience new and incredible things together and I'm sad to see it end. I'm going to miss our late night club adventures, spending way too much money on desperadoes, midnight heart-to-hearts, and of course drunken bike tours. Danke Professor Farrand, Dean and Mrs. Bierbauer, and the 20 other incredible people I was able to spend the past two week with. I had the time of my life. 

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