Thursday, May 16, 2013

German Graffiti

After arriving in Germany, I immediately noticed the prominence that graffiti has in this country. The graffiti here in Berlin is so different compared to what I am used to at home in the states. I feel as if the graffiti in Germany is prettier and has more meaning behind it. Everything, and yes I mean everything, is covered with colorful, random scribbles and words along with detailed, elaborate pieces by local artists.

Often do I find myself running to catch up with the group because I have stopped to take yet another picture of an interesting wall of graffiti. For some reason, the whole aura surrounding the practice graffiti just really interests me. I only wish that I was capable of producing something as beautiful as some of the pieces I have come across so far on this trip.


Knitwitt said...

Thank you for sharing. Look forward to more posts and pictures!

Unknown said...

Keep taking those pictures.